850cc engines 8A 850 Austin 34HP until eng.nr. 25000 8MB 850 Morris until eng.nr. 25000 8AM
850 Austin/Morris since nr. 25001 8AH 850 Austin/Morris Automatic 8AJ 850 Austin/Morris with crankcase gas recycling
8AK 850 Austin/Morris Automatic with crankcase gas recycling 8WR 850 Wolseley/ Riley 8AC 850 Moke 85H/101
850 from 1969 on 970cc engines 9F/Sa/X eng nr 29001-29003 with Tecalemit filter 9FD/Sa/X with Tecalemit filter
and crankcase vent on carb 9FE/Sa/X same but oil filter with oilpressure switch 9F/Sa/X eng nr 29039-30029 with Purolator-filter
with switch & crank case vent on carb 997cc engines 9F/Sa/H Cooper (except engnr. 19201-20410, those were 1071cc)
9F/Sa/L Cooper - Compression of 8.3 998cc engines 9AD same, but remote gear, crank case recycling, 39HP 9AE
998 Wolseley/ Riley MK III 99H/-/101 Wolseley/ Riley, Mini Clubman, Mini 1000 from 1970 on with dished pistons 99H/791
Mini 1000 1974 on with dished pistons 99H/997 A+ block from 1980 on with flat pistons and 2.95 diff 99H/A97P A+ with
dished pistons, pre-A+ gears, 3.44 diff and 12" wheels 99H/B81 until eng.nr. 127431 with circlip 998cc A+ engines from
1985 on Ungrooved lower main bearings, piston with circlip pin. 42 HP
99H/B81 since 127432 without circlip 99H/C20
until eng.nr. 105023 with circlip 99H/C20 since 105024 without circlip 99H/997 since eng. nr. 127422 with 2.9 diff
1071cc 9F/Sa/H eng nr 26501-33660 and 19201-20410 9FD/Sa/H eng nr 33661-33948, oil filter with pressure switch
& crank case vent on carb 10F Cooper S 1098cc engines 10AMW/Ta Clubman estate and Austin 1100 45HP 10H791
Clubman 1100 10GR/Ta/H MG1100 10GRB/Ta/H MG1100/Wolseley 1100 10V/Ta/H Vanden Plas 1100 1275cc engines 9F/Sa/Y
eng nr 31001-31405, Purolator filter, without crank case vent on carb 9FD/Sa/Y after eng nr 32178, with crank case vent
on carb and oil pressure switch 9F/Sa/Y from eng nr 32378 on, Puroalator filter with switch, crank case vent, AEG 510
cam from engnr 40006on, crossdrilled EN40B crank from engnr 42730on 12G/Ta/H Wolseley/Riley/VP 1300 with S-Conrods 12H739
1275GT with electric fuelpump and dynamo, 53HP 12H380 same with alternator and remote gear 12H389 same as 12H379,
but mechanic fuel pump 12H390 same as 12H389, but alternator 12H706 same as 12H380, but rod gear change 12H397
Cooper S MK III with dynamo and EN16T crank, 73HP 12H398 Cooper S MK III with alternator 12H/-/ 1275 Allegro, Austion
1300, 53HP 12H610/635 Innocenti Cooper with duplex chain, 64HP 12H719/832 same with simplex chain and tensioner 12H832XH
De Tomaso 120L 70HP 12H907 standard 1275 Metro, pre October '84 12H996A MG Metro 12H959aa MG Metro Turbo 93HP
Unleaded Engines:
998cc Unleaded engines ('89 on) 99HD81(P) 998cc A+ from 1989 on: lead free, 422 with
2.9 diff, 41HP Flat top pistons with press fit gudgeon pins
99HE20/21 99HF15/16/32 99HG30/32/33/34/39
LBB10089 99HE22 998cc A+ from 1989 on: lead free, 422 with 2.9 diff, 41HP Dished pistons with press fit gudgeon
99HG31 LBB10175 1275cc Unleaded engines ('90 on) 12A 2A carburettor 12A 2B carburettor and catalyst
12A 2D TBI single point fuel injection, 9.4 CR 12A 2E TBI single point fuel injection, 10.4 CR The following letters
are additional to 12A numbers: G01 C/R 10.1:1, 3.11 diff, catalyst, no oil cooler G03 C/R 9.4:1, 3.11 diff, catalyst,
from may 1992 on G04 C/R 9.4:1, 2.76 diff, cat, french version G05 C/R 9.4:1, automatic, cat F53 C/R 10.1:1, 3.11
diff, cat, oil cooler F75 C/R 9.4:1, 3.11 diff, non open loop cat, injection F76 C/R 9.4:1, automatic, non open loop
cat, injection F77 C/R 10.1:1, 3.21 diff, non open loopcat, injection DF Mayfair 1.3i, cat, 53HP Unleaded Metro
Metro 1000, '89 on Metro 1275, '89 on
99HE38/39, 8.3 CR 99HE35/67/68/69/70/76/94, 9.6 CR 12HE24,35,39,40,41/42/67-75,
8.0 CR 12HE24/25/48/71/72/73, 9.1 CR 12HF, 10.0 CR
A guide to Chassis Numbers
Australian Model
numbering: Format: Saloon Yxx2Sn/ Van YJBAV Character What it signifies What the characters mean 1 Country of Origin
Y = Australia 2 Make (Model) M - Morris (Saloon) K - Morris (Cooper) [JB - Morris Van] 3 Engine size range
A - 848, 997, 998 G - 1098,1275 4&5 Body Type 2S - 2 door Saloon [V - Van] 6 Series/Mark 1 - Saloon, Cooper
2 - Cooper S Mk 1, Van Mk 1 3 - Saloon 4 - Cooper S Mk 2, Van Mk 2,
British Model numbering Format: x/A2Sn
(Up to '69) Character What it signifies What the characters mean 1 Make A -Austin (Saloon) A - Austin (Cooper)
K - Morris (Cooper) M - Morris (Saloon) R - Riley Elf W - Wolsley Horney 2 Engine size Range A - 848,
997, 998 3&4 Body Type 2S - 2 door Saloon 5 Series/Mark 1 - Mk 1 - Riley, Wolseley 2 - Mk 2 - Riley, Wolseley
4 - Mk 1 - Morris 6 - Mk 2 - Morris 7 - Mk 1 - Austin B - Mk 2 - Austin
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